About Inner Light
Welcome to Inner Light Massage, a massage and wellness practice with one primary goal in mind, to allow everyone who enters my treatment room to discover just a little more of their inner light with each session. This is just one way of describing how I see clients change over time. Maybe it looks like someone coming off the table saying they’re ready for a nap, or they feel lighter, or like they’re floating, or maybe it goes deeper, like they found stillness and peace, or a break from their stress. However this change appears, to me, it means that a layer of heaviness is lifted and more light can come through.
Clients come in for any number of reasons, whether it’s for chronic pain, a stiff neck, feeling run down, picking up the grandkids one too many times, going through a rough patch with work, or for regular maintenance visits, this is your place to retreat from the chaos and find much needed peace and tranquility. It is my delight to be providing this service to others.
After many years working in customer service, human services, and food service, I found myself wanting a deeper connection when helping others. I had been receiving acupuncture and reiki at that time and decided that I wanted to work in a similar field. Massage just came to me as an idea, and I went with it! I like to think it was my inner light guiding me because I found a perfect fit with massage. Since then, I have also discovered a deep love and appreciation for Cranial Sacral Therapy and have completed several courses with the Upledger Institute. I also have a passion for sound healing and energy work and enjoy adding to my bag of tricks regularly. Whatever it is you are seeking in terms of healing, I’m an open ear, open book, and always keep an open mind. Let’s find healing together.